It was 96 degrees but the water was great! I got a few photos of my family and the's been so long since I've been to the ocean. I went to Hampton beach back in 2005, but it was during May and a freak nor'easter blew through and it was SO cold! Labor day of 2001 was the last time I've been to the beach while the weather was nice.

We went to Carolina Beach.

I like one-point perspective...ha ha!

I love this picture of my Dad and Olive.

And I love this one of my Dad and my brother.

Me with my brother. It seems like whenever my dad or brother take pictures they always cut people's feet

Ahh...the was nice to see it again. I did not adequately prepare for the sun exposure though and am now looking a bit like a pink zebra...I'm very sunburnt!
On our way back home we stopped to see my dad's grandmother. She is 102 years old. She still lives alone. I hadn't seen her in about 10 years and she still looks so similar to how she did before. She's still spunky. As we left my dad was teasing her saying we needed to leave before one of her boyfriends showed up. She spanked him for saying that and then laughed.

Olive with her great-great-grandmother. She was very shy of her and was trying to get away in this picture.

The quality of this photo is very poor. I had to lighten it up a lot just so our faces could be seen. But I'm glad we got one with her. This is me with all my siblings and my niece.
It was an exhausting day! I felt like we were in the car for most of it! Yesterday was a bit more relaxing. We hung out at home and then went to Crabtree Mall in Raleigh and I visited my first H&M. We ended the day with a trip to the community pool in my parents neighborhood and aside from one lady and her granddaughter we had the entire place to ourselves. Pretty sweet! :)
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