These are the last pots I finished. I like the one on the left. I'm wasn't thrilled with the one on the right. I had a feeling I would either love it or hate it...I don't hate it, but I don't love it either.

I'm back at school. Classes are back in session. I'm taking all art classes! 6 of them in fact. In addition to ceramics I have drawing, 2D design, art history, art orientation and Intro to art education. I think I'll be pretty busy this semester. It's funny, we've only been back for a week, but it seems like it's been so long already. And I already have lots of homework! Today the ceramics studio had a throw-a-thon for the faculty, students and community. We all met up and threw bowls to donate to a charity event. The event is a soup dinner. People come buy our bowls and then fill them up with soup and have a dinner. I helped my classmate and teacher throw bowls for a similar event that took place in my hometown last semester so I was happy to get to help again. I only made 10 bowls. The grad students and faculty were whipping them out! It was pretty cool to watch. I got to meet some of the grad students who were in China last semester. I would LOVE to study in China for a semester. It's one of my goals. Anyway, the throw-a-thon lasted from 9-5. I left around 1:30 and we had a lot of bowls. Tomorrow is part two where we go in and trim the bowls we made. I think the students and faculty end up glazing them so hopefully I'll get in on that too.
It was great to get back on the wheel. I was afraid I'd be all out of practice after not being on it for a month, but I guess it's kind of like riding a bicycle. You get it back pretty quickly. I'm excited for my class this semester. I think my drawing class will be good too. I think I'm horrible at drawing, but already I feel like some things make a little more sense. My 2D design class is kind of intimidating...I hope that I become more confident and comfortable in those classes as the semester continues. I keep reminding myself that I'm a student and I'm here to learn. So it's okay that I'm not great at this stuff. I can get better at it. I have art history with two of the guys from Campus Crusade for Christ. They're both graphic design majors. They make it fun. It's encouraging to have them there. And they're pretty funny.
Well, that's about it for week one! I'm going to do some drawing homework!
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