Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Flowers for your hair...or coat...or hat...

We had a girl's day out. It was great! It included shopping, Thai food and crafting. Could you ask for a better day? I couldn't! It started with a trip to the Purple Fern! I just love that store. It's very inspiring. :) I bought the yellow and red button hairpins (pictured below) there awhile ago. I was going to blog about them a long time ago but only just got around to photographing them this week. When I went back this week I bought 4 more. My sister also bought a couple. We spent the longest time trying to pick the ones we wanted. There were so many. I am the worst at making decisions. I eventually settled on these and I love them. I like that they go together without being too matchy. I wore the first ones I bought all the time so I know I'll use these a lot too.

(hairpins purchased from The Purple Fern)
My friend bought a flower hairpin there and it was really adorable. She wore it a lot. Later in the day when we got back to her house she and I tried our hand at making our own. It involved fire and synthetic fabric. I accidentally caught a piece of the fabric I was burning on fire and almost threw it on the floor. Luckily I just screamed and then dropped it into the fire instead. I have a little fear of fire. When I took chemistry I made my brother (we took the class together and we were lab partners) or my teacher light our bunsen burner. I was afraid that I'd end up setting the place on fire. Luckily that didn't happen in either situation and we ended up with these pretty flower pins. I'm going to put the two on the right on pins and wear them as brooches. I made the pieces for a few more of these today but all my beads and buttons are at school so I'm going to wait till I get back to put them together. It's a very fun and easy project!

I love girl's days. :)

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