Last week Mom and I went to a dog agility show in Virginia. It was fun to watch the dogs run through the obstacle course. I can only imagine how much work the trainers do with their dogs to get them ready for these competitions. Some of the dogs were really good. I think one completed the course in 36-37 seconds. A few didn't even finish the course. They kept skipping stuff. All the dogs looked like they were having a grand old time though.
Here are a few shots that we got:

A couple of weekends ago I went out with my friend Becca to Shaharazades (the tea house). It was SOOO nice to hang out and get in some girl time. I tell you, work is wearing me out and both my sisters were out of town so an evening drinking tea and walking around the downtown (and just missing being caught in a huge downpour...we just made it back to the car before the heavens opened and the rains gushed forth) was very therapeutic. What is it about tea that's so therapeutic?

I just love that place. :)
Adam, Holly and I went to Harper's Ferry on Monday. As usual I took lots of pictures, but I'll save those for another post. In my opinion, Harper's Ferry always deserves its own post.
Last night I took Holly and some of the girls in her Bible study out to see Up. It was one of the sweetest, saddest (and slightly scary) children's movies I've seen in awhile. I had a lot of fun with Holly, Katie and Rebecca. We almost had the entire theater to ourselves. There was one other couple there for the evening showing. There are advantages to going to a kid's movie on a Tuesday's pretty much empty. At least it is around here. Anyway, I would recommend it. Bring a couple of tissues though if you're the type that cries during movies. I'm not that type and I still thought I might need a tissue once or twice. Very sweet.

I have this week off work and I've been enjoying hanging out. I helped build a fence in the backyard over the weekend. My dad was laid off back in May so he and my mom are trying to start a doggy day care. They're really excited about it and I really hope it works out for them! I was able to help out a little bit by helping work on the fence and I've been making dinner a few nights this week which is nice. I'm pretty much off my diet (argghhh!) but I helped plan the menu and I chose the healthiest meals I could think of. I'm feeling pretty good about it. :)
I'm going to sign out for the evening. I'll be back later with more posts on Harper's Ferry and on a little project I'm working on. Once nice thing about having a week off is that you have time to get started on projects which is the hardest part of a project in my opinion! For now, though, I'm going to go watch Kung Fu Panda with my family. I've never seen it before but, in spite of myself, I kind of love Jack Black because he makes the funniest faces and voices and expressions in his movies (Nacho Libre, School of Rock...those are the only movies I've seen him in) so I'm excited about it.
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