- considering cutting my hair when I get back from China and donating it...
- feeling a little unsure of all the changes coming up and freaking out a little...I get mean when I freak out and it makes me hate myself...
- waiting for my visa to come back...
- updating the blog...
- starting a China blog...
- loving that my niece loves praying at meals...she tries to hold hands and when you say "in Jesus' name..." she says "ammeh."...I don't think she gets it but I love that she wants to pray...
- wrapping up last-minute things before I move back to school on Wednesday...
- having a lot of neck/upper back pain...I think it's from falling off the merry-go-round/twister at the park a few weeks back...wish I had a good chiropractor...
- thinking I want to double focus in ceramics and photography...I seriously need some instruction in photography...my photos are proof...
- excited to see my roommates, friends and new apartment...
- excited to get back involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and church back at school...
- feeling homesick before I've moved...
- thinking I want to move to Idaho or someplace out west if I ever graduate from college...
I am not sure why but I'm feeling all sorts of emotions about moving back to school and going to China. On the one hand I'm excited, but on the other I'm scared and sad. I know I'll miss my family. I guess it's normal to feel a little bit torn. As much as I want to believe that I'm really open to change now I still fear it quite a bit. And I'm sad that I'll miss fall in the USA. And worried that when I get back everything will be totally different and really hard to adjust to. Am I overthinking things?
Well...that's all for now. Goodnight...