Just a few pictures from my break a couple weeks ago.

I did quite a bit of driving, but the weather was perfect for traveling!

I spent HOURS on this project. It took forever!!! It made me hate my life. For real!

A very special baby turned 1 YEARS OLD!!! I cannot believe how quickly one year went by!
This year's ceramics...I think they're definitely better than last semester's mugs and bowls!

photo from my little jaunt to Harper's Ferry...

My cereal bowl with a handle...I love having a bowl with a handle! :)

Flowers just make the whole house seem so cheerful.

When I got back to school I was surprised to see that everything had bloomed while I was away. It was gorgeous! My roommate and my friend and I all went down to a local trail by the river to walk around. It was such a nice way to end the week.

I still have pictures from the Pre-NCECA conference that was held at my school that I'm waiting to get my hands on! Can't wait to post about it. :)
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