I think our still life drawings are boring. I would like to draw something besides silverware, ladders, boxes, jars, etc. I understand we are going to be drawing the figure when we get back from spring break. I think that entails drawing nudes. I don't want to draw anything that exciting. Why can't we have a happy medium?

In the meantime, this is my homework that I turned in a day late because that fork was giving me a fit! I'm not exactly pleased with it still, but I'm glad it's done! This past week was exhausting! I didn't get to bed before 3 am all week and had to be up between 7:30 and 9 am each morning. On Friday night I made it a point to be in bed by midnight. However, at 3 am some crazy drunk guy was pounding on the door and trying to key into my room. I was not amused! I called my RA and woke her up and she took care of it, thankfully. I still managed to go back to sleep until 11:30 am. I think I was catching up on my lost sleep from the week. I am now officially ready for Spring Break!
As a side note, I think college is great training for parenthood. I am realizing that I can function (maybe not super efficiently, but I still manage) on 3-6 hours of sleep and then manage a full day of classes, work, Bible studies and homework. Sure it's not really preparing me for actual parenthood, just the sleep deprivation part.
Okay, that was all. :)
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