My grandma is one of the most interesting and wonderful people I know. She is getting close to 90. She had 11 kids, raised 10 to adulthood and has about 25 grandkids and is expecting her second great-grandchild (my niece!!!). My earliest memories of my grandma include her crocheting doll clothes and aphgans and sewing quilts (we each have a quilt and an aphgan from her) and knitting baby booties for new cousins or babies that she knew of.
I remember one time she was visiting she decided to make herself a quilt. She went to the store and bought her fabric and brought it home and started cutting. I was watching her and was in the way. So I said, "sorry, I'm kind of in the way," and started to move and she put up her hand and said in her very New England accent, "you're never in my way." Somehow, when she said that it made me feel like a million bucks. :)
She helped teach me to crochet and I always wanted to be able to make things the way she could make them. I have a letter from her that she sent me when I was probably 9 or 10 telling me about this Swedish embroidered blanket she was working on. I finally got to see it a few years ago and it was pretty remarkable. Yes, my grandma did all kinds of textile arts: sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, quilting, cross-stitch, and all kinds of stuff. She also loved to bake and make candy. I want to be like her. She not only raised a large family, but she came from a large family so she always had nieces and nephews at her house along with her own kids and then their friends were over too. She certainly had her hands and heart full. I can't wait to use her machine to make things for my family and friends.
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