Even though you can't tell, once you get to the bottom of these steps you walk a few feet and then there is another long set of stairs that gets you down to the street/PRT station, etc.
These are the steps to the PRT. I was about halfway up the steps when I turned around and took this picture too. It's not nearly as challenging as the other sets of stairs. I just took it to show you that no matter where you go, you will have to climb stairs.
Oh by the way, this is only about a third of the way up this particular set of stairs. This set has a total of 88 steps...I counted. It's really hard to actually photograph how large these staircases really are. But basically that guy who is walking up the stairs is blocking the view of part of the stair case. I climbed this set of stairs literally 2 hours after giving blood and I almost died while climbing them. It was awful. :*(
This doesn't look like very much, but once you get to the top you realize that there is another set of stairs to climb that are past this set. My friend made me climb these the day after I had given blood. I almost died again.
More stairs...
Yep, if they don't kill me then they should definitely make me stronger! In fact, I've heard it said that you can tell what year you are here by the size of your calves. So if you're a junior (like me even though I'm a transfer student so I don't quite apply in this situation) you would supposedly have really big strong calves. I definitely feel a lot stronger than I did when I first got here and I've dropped a few pounds too without even trying. And I'm sure I've increased my cardiovascular health too. :) Win, win, win!
Seriously, I had no idea that giving blood takes so much out of you...no pun intended.
Well, maybe it was intended a little bit. :)
great blogging. I enjoyed the look at your morning commute.
Pottery looks like lots of fun. Your mugs are very nice. The frog mug is cute too.
Thanks, Mom! The monster/frog mug is my classmate's. I just liked it so much I asked him to let me take a picture of it. :)
Luckily I don't have to take all these stairs, all the time. Although if I did then I'd probably be two sizes smaller instead of just one size. :) Maybe I'll have to start taking them all more.
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