So...I was packing up for my move to college and I realized that I have a pretty large collection of craft books. Some of them I've used frequently, but then there have been others that I've never used. 8 of them in fact! And because I'm going to be moving on Friday to school and I know I won't be able to use these books anytime soon I thought it would be great to give one to someone who would enjoy using it. So in honor of moving away, and in honor of my 91st post, and in honor of blogging here for a year, and in honor of anyone who reads this blog...we're having a little giveaway!
Here's the plan: One person will any book of their choosing from this collection. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment saying what your favorite thing to sew/make is. Be sure to specify which book you would want if you won. If you post about my giveaway on your blog, comment here again for a second chance to win the giveaway!
Simple Sewing with a French Twist:
Sew U: Built by Wendy.
Saturday Night Hat. There are directions on how to make everything from berets to cloches to fedoras to sunhats.

In Stitches.
Printing by Hand.
All the patterns in this book are intact.
Simple Sewing:
All the patterns in this book are intact.
So there you go. That's the giveaway. The winner will be randomly chosen on Sunday the 30th of August.
My favorite thing to sew is halloween costumes. I love being able to use my creativity and just have fun with a project that only will be worn once or twice.
My choice of the books would be first book Simple Sewing with A French Twist.
My favorite thing to sew is dresses. I can't get enough of them. (Although halloween costumes are pretty awesome to make too!)
I would have to choose Printing by Hand by Lena Corwin. I've checked this one out at the library at least 3 times already.
Great idea for a giveaway! I need to have one of these sometime...
I am really loving sewing clothes for my kids right now.
I've been wanting to see that Lena Corwin book for a while now, so Printing by Hand is my book choice.
I love making pretty things for my home or as gifts to give to friends- I haven't read Amy Butler's book yet, but I have seen lots of lovely finished projects that others have made using the patterns in that book. Should I be so lucky to win... That would be my choice. Thanks!
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