I love this idea and am going to do it again. Only better next time. Unfortunately I think this series falls under the "you lose some" category. But I think it has potential.
I did this as a way to deal with my frustration with certain teachers who seemed to think that art dealt with mainly lewd, crude ideas. I had a very bad week that week and Philippians 4:8 really spoke to me during that time. It's funny because I remember reading that verse at the beginning of that rough week and then it came back up during a Campus Crusade for Christ meeting. So that weekend I started these guys.
Even though they're really rough around the edges I am going to push this idea farther and keep working with it.
Wow, I love your mugs! That was my first memory verse as a kid, and I still remember it! It's so amazing when God works through His word to encourage you. I actually get frustrated myself sometimes with how much crude stuff exists in the art world.
Hi again, I just wanted to thank you for posting about this verse--it made me reread Phillipians and the Lord has really been working on me through it.
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