I went to a craft fair near Harper's Ferry on Saturday. It is a juried craft fair and you have to pay to get in (I had a coupon so I got in cheaper) so there were a lot of really talented artists there with beautiful creations! It was a lot of fun and I not only saw a lot of beautiful work but I got to talk to a few of the artists too which was fun.

Each ''store'' had a booth in the tents and there were probably about 10 of these large tents in the park with lots of stores in each tent.

This lady makes wire jewelry. I bought a ring from her.

This store was just selling handmade soap. It smelled really good there.

This store was selling hand-spun/dyed yarn and knitted goods. For very high prices...

This store was one of my favourites. The reason being that the artist is a patient at the dentist office I work at. All of this work is done by Mona Kissel and she is a polymer clay artist. Her work is just beautiful.
There was also a store where a lady was doing paper cuts. I am not posting that picture because she asked me not to put anything online because she didn't want anyone to steal her designs. I will just say that she did very pretty work. It looked like fun. She told me a lot of the history and technique behind papercutting. Perhaps someday I'll try my hand at that.
Also not pictured is the "hammock" store. I'm not sure what it was called but they had outdoor furniture and really awesome hammocks and hammock swings that are SO comfortable. I still haven't given up on my dream of owning one someday. :)
The only other thing I bought was a bottle of sparkling apple cider that my family helped drink up. Thankfully! It was very sugary so all I wanted was a little glass. But my younger brother was able to drink a lot of it being that he is a teenage boy who can eat whatever he wants. :) My little sister helped out a fair bit too.
I almost bought some yarn remnants from one of the yarn artists but I'm glad I didn't. I already have too much yarn that I haven't used yet and I can't justify any more. Truthfully I just can't justify any more craft supplies. :)
It's like a weird sickness or something. Am I the only one with this disease? :)