Yesterday we paid a visit to the NC Museum of Art. I've never been to an art museum before so it was a lot of fun to go there. I got to see works by artists I studied this past semester. It was a beautiful place.

This piece was called "The Dentist." I thought it was funny since I'm a dental assistant.

There were quite a few different displays of art from other cultures. This menorah was very large and beautiful!

These were traditional African articles of clothing

These glass vessels were part of one of the multicultural displays.



This piece was cool. It was a large picture of the Mona Lisa upside down and it was made of spools of thread. You had to look through the glass ball to see it right side up.

I thought this piece was funny.

The museum had a large collection of Rodin pieces. Among them were a small sculpture of one of his ideas for The Burghers of Calais. Most were housed inside the museum, but a few, including this one were displayed outside in the garden.

This metal tree reminded me of The Tin Man. I'd like one for my yard. :)

And that was it!
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